CCRG currently focuses on the research areas described below.
A current list of our publications is available here,
and you can find more details on each research area by clicking on its title.
Wireless Networks, Channel Access And Mobile Computing
We are developing new algorithms and protocols for wireless networks based on packet switching, i.e., packet-radio networks.
A multihop packet-radio network is an ideal technology to establish an “instant communication infrastructure” in disaster areas, support U.S. military needs, and extend the global communication infrastructure to the wireless mobile environment.
The research problems we are addressing include: channel access, routing, multicasting, congestion control, topology management, end-to-end reliable communication, and security.
Internetworking technology has been tremendously successful. As the Internet continues to evolve, today’s internetworking technology is challenged by growth, the provision of multiple types of services at varying speeds, the support of collaborative environments that require real-time multipoint communications, the control of resources by multiple administrative authorities, and the interoperation of different types of high-speed internets.
The research problems that we are addressing in this area include: scalable routing architectures and protocols, scalable multicast routing, end-to-end reliable multicasting, and security.
Multimedia Collaboration
Ultimately, computer communication research aims at supporting and augmenting people’s ability to communicate, coordinate, and collaborate remotely, using online tools and information distributively.
We are developing new protocols and middleware for group coordination and distributed multimedia resource allocation, augmenting tele-collaboration and distance learning.