Rooms and Labs
- Applied Sciences 399B (+1-831-459-4153) (J.J. Garcia Luna)
- Applied Sciences 399A (+1-831-459-2370) (Brad Smith)
- Applied Sciences 399, 399E, 399F (+1-831-459-5436) (Main lab)
- Applied Sciences 314 (+1-831-459-4039) (Other Gradlab)
- Applied Sciences 350 (+1-831-459-4458) (Other Gradlab)
- Computers
- Sun UltraSparc 10, I, II
- Sun Sparcstations 5 and 20
- Silicon Graphics Indys
- Dec Alphas
- PC workstations with FreeBSD
- Multimedia Desktop PCs
- Pentium and Pentium II Laptops
- Videoconferencing equipment
- Parallax Graphics cards
- Canon VCC-1 and Quickcam Cameras
- Wireless Equipment
- WaveLAN
- Wireless Internet Gateways (WINGs)
- OS: DEC OSF, Solaris, Sun OS, FreeBSD, Windows NT
- InSoft Communique
- Rooftop Communications C++ Protocol Toolkit (CPT)